Tuesday 14 May 2013

it attacks me again

im still studying at one of famous universities at malaysia and currently i was on my semester break.After one year skip my treatment,last two weeks,i continue back wit my medication and had undergone a psychotherapy session.For the first of the last two weeks,my conditions is back to normal.no anxiety,no panic.But just now,i just went for a hangout with my old schoolmates and we have our dinner at the restaurant and suddenly im feeling vertigo.My heart start pounding,and im feeling like im dying.Immediately i affirm in my mind,that nothing can harm me .And finally my panic attack relieve after a few minutes.I weent back home and immediately take my transquelizers and the ssri (lexapro)..I had documented all that happened just now on my personal journal.Actually many people didn't know that writing a journal can relieve your anxiety..In fact the idea for me to write a journal came from my my personal psychologist ..I will share the relationship between journal writing and anxiety in my next post soon.Just now,i just had a email conversation with sheri jacobson,she is a well known psychotherapist who work at Harley Theraphy,London.She is very nice person and gave me some advice.Thanks Harley.Orite,to be continue.Have a nice day people..

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